Amine Based Plant

ITT # 64KIR17 for Supply, Installation, Commissioning, Operations & Maintenance of Skid Mounted Amine Based CO2 Removal Unit at RPF


Client: PGNIG
Duration: 15 Months
Value: 6 M USD
Executed year: 2019
Scope of work:


1)Engineering Validation
2)Equipment & Material
6) Operation and Maintenance
Procured Equipments 1) Inlet Filter Separator
2) Amine Contactor
3) Amine Regenerator
4) Sweet Gas Scrubber
5) Amine Exchanger
6) Amine Reboiler
7) Burner management System
8) Multiple Assoted Pumps
9) Balance of Plant

  • Demin water Skid
  • R.O Plant

10)Cooling System
11) Automated Control Panel with MCC Room